
Refereesandassistantrefereesedit;AFC·MohammedAbdullaHassanMohamed(UnitedArabEmirates),MohamedAlHammadi(UnitedArabEmirates)HasanAlMahri( ...,The2018FIFAWorldCupwasthe21stFIFAWorldCup,thequadrennialworldchampionshipfornationalfootballteamsorganizedbyFIFA.,沒有這個頁面的資訊。,2018年12月21日—Auditshowsarecord3.572billionpeoplewatchedthe2018FIFAWorldCupRussia™·FigureincludesthosewhowatchedTVathome...

2018 FIFA World Cup officials

Referees and assistant referees edit ; AFC · Mohammed Abdulla Hassan Mohamed (United Arab Emirates), Mohamed Al Hammadi (United Arab Emirates) Hasan Al Mahri ( ...

2018 FIFA World Cup

The 2018 FIFA World Cup was the 21st FIFA World Cup, the quadrennial world championship for national football teams organized by FIFA.

Technical Report - 2018 FIFA World Cup


More than half the world watched record

2018年12月21日 — Audit shows a record 3.572 billion people watched the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ · Figure includes those who watched TV at home, out of home or ...

FIFA World Cup 2018

World Cup 2018. Final. France · 4:2 · Croatia, 15.07.18 · World Cup 2018. Third place play-off. Belgium · 2:0 · England, 14.07.18 · World Cup 2018. Semi-finals ...

The 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia

2018年9月17日 — The 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia has become the most expensive World Cup in history, with its cost standing at more than US$ 13 billion.

FIFA World Cup 2018

2024年1月10日 — Find the most up-to-date statistics and facts on the 2018 FIFA World Cup hosted by Russia.